Country : India
State: Rajasthan
Area: 111.8 km
Best time to visit: Between October to March
Population: About 6 Million
Time Zone: GMT/UTC plus 5.5 hour
Telephone area code: 0141
Languages: Rajasthani, Hindi, Marwari, English


Tempreature: Hot Semi-Arid Type .a
Summer Tempreature : Minimum: 25 degree c, Maximum: 45 degree c .
Annual Rainfall: 650 mm .

India uses the metric system

100 cm = 1 meter, 1000 meters = 1km,

Liquids are measured in liters and Solids in Kilograms.


One rupee = 100 paise. Indian coins can be availed in denominations of 1, 2, 5 and 10 rupees . In form of notes you can also get 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000.

American Express, Visa, Mercard, MasterCard, and Diners Club are accepted by large establishments, but it is still wise to carry Indian currency.